1 Dec 2015

#OOTD Tessie 1/12/2015

První prosincový den, kdo z vás taky snědl první čokoládičku z adventního kalendáře? Je mi sice skoro 22, ale ještě pořád mi ho mamka kupuje :D Ale tak proč ne, čokoláda je přece super a Vánoce taky. Osobně Vánoce miluju, každým rokem snad víc a víc, z dětského těšení se na dárky se stalo užívání si skvělé atmosféry s nejbližšími a sledování vánočních filmů. Btw, pište do komentářů jaké jsou vaše nejoblíbenější! 
Outfit je tentokrát pohodový a jednoduchý, i když nebudu lhát, mírně jsem mrzla (viz zaťatá pěstička na poslední fotce :)), ale dalo se to zvládnout. Nudné barevné spektrum jsem oživila alespoň výraznou rtěnku. Užívejte vánoční měsíc a mějte se krásně!

 za fotky děkuji @adelxk :)

kabát - Ebay, mikina - Dressin, kalhoty - H&M, boty - Deichmann, kabelka - Mango, šála - H&M


  1. Another food which you can find anywhere is banana. Banana is food loaded with vitamins A, B, C and E along with minerals like potassium, zinc, iron and manganese. There are several health benefits of banana. It contains high percentage of water keeps your skin moisturized and hydrated. For instant solution just apply ripe banana and after 30 minute wash with lukewarm water. It protects the body again free oxygen radicals cause of ageing. You can even use the peels of banana to get rid of wrinkles.

  2. Veľmi pekný, vianočný look :)

  3. Moisturizers and sunscreens are also crucial parts of a regular skin care routine. Some experts advise separate moisturizers for night and daytime, when the product should ideally offer UV protection. Sunscreens should not be applied with moisturizers at night, as this could actually worsen dry skin conditions. A good sunscreen should have zinc oxide, titanium dioxide or avobenzene as an active ingredient. In addition to dry skin prevention, the following tips can be adopted by individuals at home to address the condition:Diabetes often causes problems for the skin, and a particularly common area that is often affected is the feet. In between the toes and the soles of the feet are usually the worst affected. Symptoms you should look out for include redness and other change of color, blisters and swelling. Always check them at least once a week and make sure the nails are efficiently trimmed and smooth.

  4. First one is Green tea which is also called natural wonders. Green tea is not used only for weight loss purpose but it has uncountable benefits. There are several health benefits of green tea. Green tea helps to reduce the risk of heart diseases. It is best super food which is having anti ageing properties because of presence of antioxidants called polyphenols. It stops skin to factor causing wrinkles and ageing.

  5. Vyzeráš skvele Tessie! Super kabelka :)

  6. It provides HIT products, education, and consulting services that enable its clients to engage effectively in health information exchange, health data integration, and health care quality measurement required to establish and comply with evidence-based best practices in health care. The mission of Hi3 Solutions is to accelerate widespread adoption and compliance with emerging HIT standards by offering the information integration infrastructure necessary to enable the use of health information exchange standards, meaningful health care quality and performance measures, and standardized clinical decision support capabilities.

  7. Considering a career in practical nursing, massage therapy or physiology? You will need more than just the basic education, in order to achieve this challenging goal. Understanding your career goals, identifying your interests and planning play a critical role in ensuring that you're on the right path. However, these elements are often overlooked. Most of the times, you just focus on entering into a program that your friends are opting for.

  8. Among the programs for which Pre Health prepares students are: Practical Nursing, Massage Therapy, Transportation and others.As one of the respected Pre Health programs in Toronto, this offering is very well rounded. It not only includes health-related courses such as Computers for Healthcare Professionals (introduces students to word processing, spreadsheet and presentation applications in a Windows-based operating system and gain skills related to basic research technique and APA reference format) and Pre-Anatomy and Physiology (allows students to develop a strong foundation in anatomical terminologies and fundamental human physiology through an emphasis on understanding and applications rather than memorization), but also math, communication and science courses.

  9. Students also use tools, algorithms and health informatics methods that are common to hospitals, schools, healthcare agencies and public health departments. Faculty members who have diverse business experience and academic credentials deliver all courses. These faculty members make themselves available to students during and after class time to offer advice, help with course work and for networking purposes.

  10. The downside to the private care is that these facilities are almost 2 to 9 times more expensive than public facilities. In fact households that need to contend with chronic illnesses spend almost 44% of their monthly income at private medical facilities for treatment of their ailment. An IMS study points out that another major factor in driving people to private practices is the lack of good transportation and travel infrastructure in the rural areas. This means that households need to choose facilities that are closer rather than those that are more cost effect.

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